Stream It Or Leave It:  Netflix Edition

May December will leave you uncomfortable and icky all over

Whether is was Inside Edition or The Jay Leno Show, the world was collectively repelled in the 90’s by the twisted true story of Mary Kay Letourneau.  May December uses that as a blueprint in the marriage of Grace (Julianne Moore) and Joe (Charles Melton) a couple who were romantically linked when Grace was 36 and Joe was 13.  Disturbed yet?  It gets wilder when you throw in Elizabeth (Natalie Portman) an unbalanced actress portraying Grace in a made for tv movie.  Although the subject matter is heavy, Director Todd Haynes unpacks it in a way that will keep you captivated.  The acting is exceptional from all three as every nuance is captured to perfection, from Grace’s controlled lisp to Joe’s adolescent gestures and Elizabeth’s duplicity.  The musical score heightens the experience with its dramatic piano notes evocative of Far From Heaven, (also directed by Todd Haynes and also incredible.)  Moreover, the twist at the end will have you rethinking everything.  Similar to a car crash, you won’t be able to turn away from your screen,  Be forewarned, after viewing you will need to take a long soapy shower to get all the ewwwwww off.  Stream It

Rebel Moon Part 1 is a mess…but there is hope        

Rebel Moon is written and directed by Zack Snyder, the brains behind 300 and arguably the best superhero movie ever Justice League: The Snyder Cut.  Without sugarcoating anything I can legitimately say Rebel Moon is a nonsensical mashup up of the very best of popular culture.  From Star Wars to Game of Thrones and even Lost in Space, everything but the kitchen sink is in this movie.  There are lightsabers, robots and a resurrection scene that is all to familiar.  What was Snyder thinking?  Speaking to DGA Director’s Cut Podcast, Snyder talked having to cut Rebel Moon into a Netflix mandated PG-13 version.  He goes on to state that in the summer his R-Rated version will be released which will be a “completely different movie,” without the sanitation requested by the studio executives.  Another Snyder Cut? I feel hope beginning to blossom once again.  It’s worth noting amidst the mess this movie does have a very bright spot and that is the the cast which is precise and exciting.  With Sofia Boutella, Ray Fisher, Bae Doona and my new personal favourite, Staz Nair, Snyder creates a surprising ensemble. I wish it was summer already.

Maestro hits all the wrong notes

Upon seeing the commercial for Bradly Copper’s latest directorial endeavour I expected an epic biography encapsulated within a romantic story.  Maestro however is not a love story and Cooper is not able to convince us that Leonard Bernstein and his wife, played by Carey Mulligan, have any tenderness for one another.  For the entire film Bernstein has multiple affairs, flaunts his boyfriends in front of his wife and children and is a complete cad.  We never learn about Bernstein’s genius and true insights.  Moreover, the only brilliance in this movie is Carey Mulligans’ performance.  Leave It


Killers of the Flower Moon proves Scorsese still has it


Holiday Wrap Up