Dear Reader,

I know it has been over a month since you last gazed upon a new review.  The thought crossed my mind that I might not be missed.  The opposite happened however.  In the last couple of weeks I have been inundated with messages from devotees asking “Has the Mademoiselle given up? and “I need your help on deciding which streaming service is worth it for the holidays, ASAP?  Firstly, the Mademoiselle never gives up!  Secondly, I have been doing all the things one would expect from a modern renaissance woman...  Okay the truth is, there wasn’t anything good to watch and you couldn’t pay me to see Red One.  Consequently, I focused my attention on a steady diet of Hallmark Christmas movies while anticipating the release of Wicked.

21 years ago on Christmas Day I received a book from a friend.  I remember her saying that the cover art and clever tagline typified my personal style.  Throughout my life there have been only a handful of books that have taken me two days to read.  Notably Stephen King’s 11/22/63 and Gregory Maguire’s WickedWicked was so unexpected that I immediately converted to team Elphaba while promptly purchasing tickets for the musical over a year in advance.  I will admit as the book series continued I started to get bored and and forgot about poor Elphie, that is until Cynthia Erivo was cast in the titular role.

To be continued…


Wicked will take you on a spellbinding journey


Smile 2 Will Have You Avoiding All Social Cues… Indefinitely