Heretic is a cerebral puzzle wrapped in a cinematic enigma

Heretic kicks off smartly with a premise involving two young female Mormons trying to recruit new members to their church.  Their journey leads them to the doorstep of Hugh Grant just as the heavens open up.

Grant, in a delightful twist, ditches his charming stammer and delivers a performance that is as creepily good as it is unsettling.  In his 60’s, he still possesses that coolness that can’t be bottled therefore making the scene with the “freshly baked blueberry pie” even more wicked.  Up to this point I’m loving this movie and then it takes a sharp left turn into bizarro land.  The rest of Heretic is a confusing jumble on religion and faith.  It aspires to delve into profound themes and tries to shock us in the end, meanwhile the story loses complete coherence and meanders for well over an hour.  It’s comparable to a first date where your companion is trying to impress you with all their knowledge until you finally  realize it's all filler; they really are just a loser and not very smart to boot.

While the film aspires to investigate philosophical ideals, the initial spark is extinguished quickly.  Consequently, leaving the viewer with more questions than answers.  The divine timing is entirely off with Heretic leaving only emaciated celluloid in its wake.


Love Cuts Deep In Heart Eyes


Presence is all chill without the thrill